by: Sayyid Abul A’la Maududi
Introduction by AI-Ash’ari
The modern world has gradually moved away from the way of nature towards perverse
directions that are inevitably leading to the destruction of the human race itself. The socalled moral concepts, which the Western world had adopted a century and a half ago, have already resulted in the disruption of family life, and produced licentiousness and sexual anarchy to the extent hitherto unknown in history. The nudist trends in the West, manifesting themselves in the “bikini” and the “birthday suit”, should surprise nobody as they are the natural out-come of the so-called movements launched for the rights and emancipation of woman. In this connection, the following reports are revealing:
(Delray Beach, Florida, May 10, 1964): “The shapely brunette wore a veil and high
heeled shoes – but nothing else - and her 23-year-old groom wore only a Florida sun-tan when they were married today in what was described as the largest nudist wedding ever held... Nude reporters watched the ceremony. The best man, an octogenarian, carried the ring in his hand since he had no pockets. The only one wearing clothes was a local lawyer, who performed the ceremony in the sunshine watched by some 200 nude guests.” (Router)
(Hamburg, May 25, 1964): “At last count, there were at least 84 public baths, parks and private terrains throughout West Germany reserved for nudist use. The practice is by no means limited to Germany however, but is widespread throughout all of Northern Europe.” (DPA)
This is then the culmination of the drive that was initiated with the object of emancipating woman and liberating man. “In a world that has seen human beings clothing themselves since the dawn of time the practice of nudism often takes on a humorous aspect.” More than that it suggests the virtual return of man to animality, to wild life wholly bereft of shame and decency.
The Quran, which is the panacea for every moral and spiritual disease has the anti-dote to the above-mentioned moral degradation. It asserts that the urge to clothe oneself and conceal one’s private parts is innate within man. It is with this view of the Quran vis-a-vis modern-day nudism, licentiousness and free intermingling of the sexes that this book is presented.
This is the English rendering of Maulana Abul A’la Maududi’s famous work “Purdah”, which was originally published in book form in 1939. It has since run through thirteen reprints and has deeply influenced vast sections of the public in the Indo-Pakistan sub-continent. This book, more than any other, has in recent year helped people to understand clearly the nature of the correct relationship between man and woman in the social life, and appreciate the great design that God wills to fulfill through them on the earth.
First of all, it proves by reason and argument that the moral concepts underlying the social system prevalent in the West are not only unnatural and irrational but is also laden with fatal portents for man and his civilization.
Secondly, it draws one’s attention to the laws of nature and establishes that family life and legitimate procreation alone can serve the will of God.
Thirdly, it prove on the basis of scientific observation that man is inherently incapable of devising a perfect social system for himself on account of his short-sightedness and limited faculties. He has always stood in need of Divine Guidance, which alone can help him to solve rationally and permanently the problems of his life.
Lastly, it sets forth the social system of Islam which is indeed the way of nature as it is based on Divine Guidance, and gives a note of warning that man cannot live on the earth by fighting against nature but by living in complete harmony with it.
As for the great style of the Maulana Abul A’la Maududi, I sincerely feel that no translation can claim to reproduce the effect of the original Urdu. That is why I have again and again felt and wished that some better hand attempted the translation of “Purdah” into English. The present attempt, however humble, has been made in all sincerity and faithfulness to the original.
In conclusion, I must express my gratitude due to late Chawdhury Muhammad Akhar Sahib for making useful suggestions in general and for the English translation of the verses of the Quran and Tradition of the Holy Prophet in particular.
Download: PURDAH and The Status of Woman in ISLAM